A proper name.
*)oi+leu/s: o)/noma ku/rion.
That of two individuals mentioned in
Iliad: (1) the king of Locris, father of the lesser Ajax/Aias (Oiliades, OCD(4) 46 'Aias(2)';
lambda 667,
nu 40, assigning to him Narux as his home city) and of Medon (
Iliad 13.694ff., 15.336); (2) the charioteer of Bienor, slain by Agamemnon (
Iliad 11.93). Their names seem to be derived from
Ilion, the capital of
Troy, but it is uncertain how. For Oileus of Lokris some texts read Ileus. See Lexikon (bibliography below) under E[tymology].
Pauly-Wissowa, RE 17. 2175-87, and Supp.-Bd.7. 787
Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos III (fasc.17, 1999) 578-79
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