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Adler number: omicron,914
Translated headword: Oulpianos, Ulpianus, Ulpian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Brother of Isidore the philosopher;[1] [a man] who "was naturally talented in mathematical studies, so that he introduced many new problems and also solutions of the problems, in addition to the explanations of the mathematicians; his name was prominent among the mathematicians at
Syrianus,[2] admiring his natural ability, related to many that it was not possible to set any lock before him so complicated and mechanically contrived that he could not easily open it himself, but that nevertheless he did not demonstrate any accomplishment worth mentioning in other branches of philosophy. Ulpian was moderate and orderly in his habits and seemed in this respect to differ from his brother, perhaps because he abstained completely from political involvements from beginning to end. People have become accustomed to apply the name of virtue to the business-hating life, but in my opinion it is not so. For the virtue which is involved in the midst of the community with political deeds and words exercises the soul towards greater strength and prepares it better for testing, insofar as it is healthy and unified; but insofar as baseness and falsity lurks in human lives, this all is examined and made more ready for correction. How much beneficial and useful is there in political activity? How great is boldness and confidence? Those learned men who sit in corners and philosophize at length very solemnly concerning justice and self-control make fools of themselves when they are forced to emerge into action. So every word which is not accompanied by deeds appears futile and empty. Ulpian became such a man while still young and ended his life unmarried, leaving much praise of his good character."
Greek Original:*ou)lpiano/s, a)delfo\s *)isidw/rou tou= filoso/fou: o(\s eu)fue/statos e)gego/nei pro\s ta\s maqhmatika\s e)pisth/mas, w(/ste kai\ polla\s ei)sene/gkasqai kaina\s a)pori/as kai\ lu/seis ge tw=n a)poriw=n, pro\s ta\s tw=n maqhma/twn e)chgh/seis: o)/noma/ te au)tw=| me/ga h)=n e)pi\ toi=s maqh/masin *)aqh/nhsin. qauma/zwn de\ au)tou= th\n fu/sin o( *suriano\s dihgei=to polloi=s tisin, w(s ou)de\n h)=n au)tw=| proba/lesqai kleidi/on ou(/tw polu/ploko/n te kai\ mhxanikw=s ei)rgasme/non, o(/per ou)k a)noignu/nai r(a|di/ws au)to/maton: a)ll' o(/mws pro\s th\n a)/llhn filosofi/an mhde\n e)pidei/knusqai lo/gou a)/cion. e)pieikh\s de\ kai\ ta\ h)/qh kekosmhme/nos o( *ou)lpiano\s e)gego/nei kai\ e)do/kei tau/th| ge tou= a)delfou= diafe/rein: i)/sws de\ e)peidh\ pragma/twn politikw=n a)pe/sxeto to\ pa/mpan e)c a)rxh=s ei)s te/los. pefu/kasi ga\r oi( a)/nqrwpoi th=| misopra/gmoni zwh=| th\n a)reth\n e)pifhmi/zein, ou)x ou(/tws e)/xon kata/ ge th\n e)mh/n. h( ga\r e)n me/sh| th=| politei/a| dia\ tw=n politikw=n e)/rgwn te kai\ lo/gwn a)nastrefome/nh a)reth\ gumna/zei te th\n yuxh\n pro\s to\ e)rrwmene/steron kai\ bebaiou=tai ma=llon e)pi\ th=s pei/ras o(/son au)th=s u(gie/s te kai\ o(lo/klhron, o(/son de\ ki/bdhlon kai\ e)pi/plaston e)mfwleu/ei tai=s a)nqrwpi/nais zwai=s, tou=to pa=n diele/gxetai kai\ e(toimo/teron kaqi/statai pro\s dio/rqwsin. to\ de\ a)gaqoergo/n te kai\ w)felhtiko\n o(/son e)sti\n e)n toi=s politeu/masi; to\ de\ qarrale/on kai\ be/baion h(li/kon; toigarou=n oi( e)n gwni/a| kaqh/menoi lo/gioi kai\ polla\ filosofou=ntes ma/la semnw=s peri\ dikaiosu/nhs kai\ swfrosu/nhs, e)kbai/nein e)pi\ ta\s pra/ceis a)nagkazo/menoi a)sxhmonou=sin. w(s a(/pas lo/gos, a)\n a)ph=| ta\ e)/rga, ma/taio/n ti fai/netai kai\ keno/n. toiou=tos o( *ou)lpiano\s geno/menos, e)/ti ne/os w)\n, a)/gamos e)teleu/ta to\n bi/on, polu\n e)/painon e(autou= th=s e)pieikei/as a)polipw/n.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; imagery; mathematics; philosophy; politics; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 August 2003@01:08:55.
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