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Search results for omicron,86 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)oqrua/das
Adler number: omicron,86
Translated headword: Othryadas, Othruadas
Vetting Status: high
One of the 300 picked-men who fought at Thyrea. He remained unnoticed amongst the corpses, wounded, once the Argive survivors Alkenor and Chromios[1] had left. After himself stripping the Argive corpses and setting up a [victory-]trophy [?stained?] with human blood, he immediately died and became the cause of the Spartans again disputing possession of Thyrea and beating their competitors for it.
Greek Original:
*)oqrua/das: tw=n t# loga/dwn ei(=s, tw=n e)pi\ *qurai/a| maxesame/nwn: o(\s e)n toi=s nekroi=s traumati/as laqw/n, a)naxwrhsa/ntwn *)alkh/noros kai\ *xromi/ou, oi(\ tw=n *)argei/wn periesw/qhsan, au)to\s skuleu/sas tou\s *)argei/wn nekrou\s kai\ tro/paion a)nasth/sas a)nqrwpei/w| ai(/mati e)teleu/thsen eu)qu\s kai\ ai)/tios e)ge/neto *lakedaimoni/ois tou= pa/lin a)mfisbhth=sai peri\ *qurai/as kai\ a)gwnisame/nous nikh=sai.
A summary -- from Aelian, Adler suggests -- of Herodotus 1.82 (web address 1). For a different tradition about Othryadas see Pausanias 2.20.7 (web address 2). This "Battle of the Champions" took place in the mid C6 BCE. On Thyrea, a fertile plain between Sparta (cf. lambda 49 and sigma 908) and Argos [Myth, Place] in NE Laconia (cf. alpha 3766), see Barrington Atlas map 58 grid D3.
[1] Chromios: chi 531.
W.K. Pritchett, The Greek State at War, ii (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1974) chap.13, at pp.249-50
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: aetiology; biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 October 2001@06:13:06.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added alternative spelling of headword; added links; raised status) on 3 September 2003@10:11:35.
David Whitehead (x-ref; keyword; cosmetics) on 3 September 2003@10:16:31.
David Whitehead on 23 June 2013@06:22:44.
Ronald Allen (cross-reference primary note) on 28 June 2023@19:14:07.


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