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Adler number: omicron,850
Translated headword: not without something
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is said in three ways. For either [it can mean] something which neither harms nor helps -- as we say, "a body in the light is not without shadow." [...] Or [it can mean] what is necessary, like a tool or something of the sort -- as we say, "Achilles did the greatest deeds, but not without his spear (for [...] in regard to great deeds, he would not have been able to accomplish great deeds unarmed). Or [it can mean] the condition which hinders -- as we say, "sailing in a storm he was saved, but not without danger."
Greek Original:*ou)k a)/neu tino/s: tou=to trixw=s le/getai. h)\ ga\r to\ mh/te bla/pton mh/te w)felou=n. w(s le/gomen, ou)k a)/neu skia=s to\ e)n fwti\ sw=ma. h)\ to\ e)c a)na/gkhs, w(s o)/rganon h)/ ti toiou=ton: w(s le/gomen, h)ri/steusen *)axilleu/s, a)ll' ou)k a)/neu th=s meli/as [pro\s th\n a)ristei/an ou) ga\r h)du/nato gumno\s a)risteu=sai]. h)\ to\ pa/qos e)mpodi/zon: w(s le/gomen, e)n xeimw=ni pleu/sas e)sw/qh, a)ll' ou)k a)/neu kindu/nou.
Commentary on Aristotle's De anima 45.25-31 (on
De anima 432a13-14), here abridged.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; mythology; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 July 2010@01:37:53.
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