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Headword: *ou)d' e)/rga mei/w xeiro\s a)rke/sas e)mh=s
Adler number: omicron,815
Translated headword: having performed deeds not less than my own hand
Vetting Status: high
Plausibly[1] [sc. this means] not claiming to have endured more than his father, but not less.
Greek Original:
*ou)d' e)/rga mei/w xeiro\s a)rke/sas e)mh=s: piqanw=s to\ mh\ ei)pei=n plei/ona tou= patro\s kakopaqh=sai, a)lla\ mh\ e)la/ttona.
The headword phrase is quoted from the hero's speech at Sophocles, Ajax 439 (web address 1); the comment comes from the scholia there.
The participle used is the aorist active, masculine nominative (and vocative) singular, of the contract verb a)rke/w (I keep off, ward off), but here with the sense I make good, achieve; see generally LSJ s.v. a)rke/w II. [n her critical apparatus Adler notes that ms A transmits a)rke/shs, a form otherwise unattested.]
The phrase's irregular comparative (mei/w) is the neuter nominative and accusative plural (and masculine and feminine accusative singular) of the adjectives o)li/gos and mikro/s; see generally LSJ s.vv. [Adler notes that ms F reads mei/wn, the same comparative, but in masculine and feminine nominative singular; however, nothing else in the quotation suggests this choice, as e)/rga (see LSJ s.v. e)/rgon) is a neuter noun in the accusative plural, and xeiro/s (see LSJ s.v. xei/r) is a feminine noun in the genitive singular.]
[1] This adverb introduces scholia which are less than certain about the meaning of the word or phrase they are addressing; cf. generally alphaiota 66.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; tragedy
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 11 July 2010@13:47:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another note; tweaks and cosmetics) on 12 July 2010@03:52:15.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 31 July 2013@06:41:21.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 8 August 2013@01:29:41.


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