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Search results for omicron,814 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,814
Translated headword: not even a fire-bearer was left
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The proverb is applied to great dangers; since there was an onus on the seer, carrying boughs of laurel and wreaths and a torch, to take the lead in every aspect of military preparation; and convention dictated that the enemy spare him alone. So the proverb arose in circumstances of very heavy casualties.
Greek Original:*ou)de\ purfo/ros e)lei/fqh: e)pi\ tw=n mega/lwn kindu/nwn ei)/rhtai h( paroimi/a: e)peidh\ pa/shs polemikh=s paraskeuh=s e)/dei to\n ma/ntin h(gei=sqai, da/fnhs e)/xonta kla/dous kai\ ste/mmata kai\ lampa/da: kai\ tou/tou no/mos h)=n mo/nou fei/desqai tou\s polemi/ous. e)pi\ toi/nun tw=n panwleqri/a| diefqarme/nwn kairo\n e)/sxen h( paroimi/a.
W.K. Pritchett, The Greek State at War, III (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1979) chap.3, 'The military mantike'
Keywords: botany; daily life; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; proverbs; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 September 2002@03:51:21.
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