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Search results for omicron,808 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,808
Translated headword: not even among celeries
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who have not even made a start. [Derived] from those going into their gardens; for at the edges, the so-called garden surrounds, they used to grow celeries and rues. So the proverb seeks to say, you have not yet made even a start on the business -- just as those not even entering their gardens are "among the celeries".
Greek Original:*ou)d' e)n seli/nois: e)pi\ tw=n mhde\ th\n a)rxh\n pefqako/twn. a)po\ tw=n ei)s tou\s kh/pous i)o/ntwn: e)pi\ ga\r ta\ a)/kra, tou\s legome/nous perikh/pous, se/lina kai\ ph/gana katefu/teuon. bou/letai ou)=n le/gein h( paroimi/a, ou)/pw ou)de\ a)rxh\n e)/xeis tou= pra/gmatos: kaqa/per ou)de\ oi( e)n toi=s kh/pois ei)sio/ntes e)n toi=s seli/nois ei)si/n.
Same entry in
Lexicon omicron619 Theodoridis, and similar ones in several of the paroemiographers. From a scholion to
Wasps 480, where the phrase occurs (with celery in the singular: web address 1).
See the concise but admirable note in MacDowell 198, preferring another scholiast's way of explaining the phrase (from the association of celery with newborn babies).
Aristophanes, Wasps, edited with introduction and commentary by Douglas M. MacDowell (Oxford 1971)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; children; comedy; daily life; food; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 July 2001@04:28:13.
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