Search results for omicron,793 in Adler number:
Headword: *ou)de\nh)=npara/t'a)/llaplh\no(xruso/s Adler number: omicron,793 Translated headword: compared to the rest the gold was nothing Vetting Status: high Translation:
[no gloss]
Greek Original:
*ou)de\n h)=n para/ t' a)/lla plh\n o( xruso/s.
cf. Diogenianus 6.94, and other paroemiographers. Their own source is Pythermus ap. Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 14.625C (14.20 Kaibel).
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; added note and more keywords) on 23 March 2010@04:19:35. David Whitehead (tweaked headwword) on 23 March 2010@10:27:48. David Whitehead on 31 July 2013@04:48:08.