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Search results for omicron,774 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,774
Translated headword: not at all
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning nowhere.[1]
Teleclides in
Hesiod [sc. uses the word].[2]
Aelian [writes]: "but he kills them and strips them of all they brought. But there was ornament and equipment not at all contemptible for the skill of each."[3] And elsewhere: "they bring testimony not at all insignificant."[4]
Greek Original:*ou)damh=: a)nti\ tou= ou)damo/qi. *thleklei/dhs *(hsio/dw|. *ai)liano/s: o( de\ a)poktei/nei au)tou\s kai\ perisuloi= o(/sous e)phga/gonto. h)=n de\ ko/smos kai\ skeuh\ peri\ th\n te/xnhn th\n e(kate/rou ou)damh= eu)katafro/nhta. kai\ au)=qis: kai\ martu/ria e)pa/gontai ou)damh= a)/shma.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica; references at
Photius omicron602 Theodoridis.
Teleclides fr. 24 K.-A. (21 Kock).
Aelian fr. 170 Domingo-Forasté (167 Hercher); quoted again at
pi 1314, where the verb is better spelled (
perisula=|) and the neuter
o(/sa is read instead of the masculine
Aelian fr. 300 Domingo-Forasté (303 Hercher).
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 June 2010@01:57:45.
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