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Adler number: omicron,768
Translated headword: nay for
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes in
Clouds [sc. uses the phrase].[1] Meaning
a)lla\ kai\ ga\r in Attic dialect; as
Callimachus [wrote]: "you hear
Hipponax [say]: 'Nay, for I have come.'"[2] Meaning, for I have come [
kai\ ga\r h(/kw]. Also in
Frogs, "Nay, for" [
ou) ga\r a)lla/], meaning
kai\ ga\r in Attic dialect. Meaning, for I am poorly [
e)/xw ga\r kakw=s]. But he said, "Nay, for I am poorly"[3] [
ou) ga\r, a)lla\ kai\ e)/xw]. But the
a)lla\ is brought in in
Frogs, too: "Nay, for one must obey."[4] Meaning, for one must obey [
kai\ ga\r peiste/on]. Never, he is saying, ought you to say, but also to give, so that I will trust you, that you give me the same report. Also in
Thesmophoriazusae: "nay, for strangely how full of persons in white the assembly was to see."[5]
Greek Original:*ou) ga\r: *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais. a)nti\ tou= a)lla\ kai\ ga\r *)attikw=s: w(s *kalli/maxos: a)kou/saq' *(ippw/naktos: ou) ga\r a)ll' h(/kw. a)nti\ tou= kai\ ga\r h(/kw. kai\ e)n *batra/xois, ou) ga\r a)lla/, a)nti\ tou= kai\ ga\r *)attikw=s. a)nti\ tou= e)/xw ga\r kakw=s. o( de\ ei)=pen, ou) ga\r, a)ll' e)/xw kakw=s. to\ de\ a)lla\ pare/lketai kai\ e)n *batra/xois: ou) ga\r a)lla\ peiste/on. a)nti\ tou= kai\ ga\r peiste/on. ou)damw=s, fhsi/n, o)fei/leis le/gein, a)lla\ kai\ dido/nai, i(/na soi pisteu/sw, o(/ti a)lhqw=s e)pagge/llh| moi au)ta\ dido/nai. kai\ e)n *qesmoforiazou/sais: ou) ga\r a)ll' u(perfuw=s w(s leukoplhqh\s h)=n i)dei=n h( e)kklhsi/a.
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Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; poetry; politics
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 25 October 2009@18:22:41.
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