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Search results for omicron,721 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,721
Translated headword: capable of smelling, odor-sensitive, quick of scent
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The sense organ capable of smelling is the mastoid apophysis which is in front of the brain behind the bones of the same shape as if facing inside. But the apprehension of smells occurs through the smell-transmission power of the air.[1]
For smell-transmission is the transporting faculty of things that can be smelled in
Theophrastus, [and] the sense organ is not the nose but the mastoid apophysis or prominence of the brain.[2]
"[He] lay down smelling". For those being released from fear cease their distress by smelling; and the distress comes on them out of the heart.[3]
Greek Original:*)osfrantiko/n: o)sfrantiko\n ai)sqhth/rio/n e)stin h( kata\ ta\ e)mpro/sqia tou= e)gkefa/lou mastoeidh\s a)po/fusis meta\ ta\ o(moioeidh= o)ste/a w(s e)pi\ to\ e)/ndon. gi/netai de\ h( a)nti/lhyis tw=n o)smw=n dia\ th=s dio/smou tou= a)e/ros duna/mews. kai\ ga\r di/osmo/s e)stin h( diaporqmeutikh\ du/namis tw=n o)sfrantw=n para\ *qeofra/stw|, ou)k e)/sti de\ h( r(i\s to\ ai)sqhth/rion, a)ll' h( mastoeidh\s tou= e)gkefa/lou a)po/fusis h)\ a)po/qesis. kate/keit' o)sfraino/menos. oi( ga\r u(po\ fo/bou e)kluo/menoi o)sfrh/sei to\n po/non pau/ousin: o( de\ po/nos au)toi=s e)k kardi/as gi/netai.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; medicine; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 20 May 2005@02:18:46.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (tweaked translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 20 May 2005@03:25:01.
David Whitehead (x-ref; cosmetics) on 30 July 2013@06:12:28.
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