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Search results for omicron,720 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,720
Translated headword: oysters
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When Trajan was among [the] Parthians, distant many days' journey from the sea, Apicius the gourmet sent him fresh oysters, preserved by skill.[1]
Greek Original:*)/ostreia. *traianw=| e)n *pa/rqois o)/nti kai\ th=s qala/sshs a)pe/xonti h(merw=n pollw=n o(do\n *)api/kios o( o)yofa/gos o)/strea neara\ diepe/myato, u(po\ sofi/as teqhsaurisme/na.
Keywords: biography; food; geography; history; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 December 2002@19:15:21.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; expanded note; cosmetics) on 30 December 2002@04:56:41.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 30 July 2013@04:24:47.
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