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Search results for omicron,717 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,717
Translated headword: ostracism
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Ostracism] differs from exile,[1] because the properties of those condemned to exile are confiscated, whereas the [sc. Athenian] people does not take away the possessions of those whose departure is the result of ostracism; also, for the [ostracized] a time and a place is specified,[2] whereas exiles have neither of these.[3]
[It is on record] that Kimon was ostracized after bedding his sister Elpinike and being criticized [for it] to the citizens.[4]
Greek Original:*)ostrakismo\s fugh=s diafe/rei, o(/ti tw=n me\n fugh=s a(lo/ntwn ai( ou)si/ai dhmeu/ontai, tw=n de\ o)strakismw=| a)posta/ntwn ou)k a)fairei=tai ta\ xrh/mata o( dh=mos: kai\ toi=s me\n xro/nos e)ndei/knutai kai\ to/pos, oi( de\ feu/gontes ou)de/teron tou/twn e)/xousin. o(/ti *ki/mwn th=| a)delfh=| *(elpini/kh| sugkoimhqei\s kai\ diablhqei\s pro\s tou\s poli/tas e)cwstraki/sqh.
For ostracism see OCD4 s.v. and already
omicron 716. (In the Vaticanus 1296 ms, in fact, 716 and 717 form a single entry.) LSJ entries at web addresses 1 & 2.
[1] So again
phi 812.
[2] Time: leave within 10 days and stay away 10 years (after which return/rehabiliation was possible and legitimate: witness Kimon, about to be mentioned, who left
Athens in 461 BCE and returned -- to favour and to office -- in 451). Place: between 481/0 and an indeterminable date thereafter (perhaps not long after, if this was a Persian-War emergency measure) the ostracized had not merely to leave
Athens but stay well outside it. See ?
Athenaion Politeia 22.8, with P.J.
A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (Oxford 1981) 282; T.J. Figueira,
GRBS 28 (1987) 281-305.
[3] From the
scholia to
Wasps 947, where
Thoukydides the 'exile' (in fact he was ostracized) is mentioned.
[4] So already
alpha 3563 and
kappa 1621; see the note to the latter.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; history; law; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 July 2001@03:45:51.
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