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Search results for omicron,69 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,69
Translated headword: Osias, Uzziah
Vetting Status: high
Translation: King of Israel.[1] This man was pious and being prosperous became overconfident and losing his good sense wanted to offer incense to God himself on his own behalf, which only the priests were permitted [to do]. And when he had offered incense in the Temple, immediately he became leprous. [...] For the leprosy rose on his forehead in the house of the Lord; and it drew him down[2] from there.
Greek Original:*)ozi/as, basileu\s *)israh/l. ou(=tos eu)sebh\s h)=n kai\ eu)odou/menos e)ph/rqh kai\ ei)s a)po/noian e)lqw\n h)qe/lhse qumia/sai tw=| qew=| au)to\s di' e(autou=, o(/per mo/nois e)ch=n toi=s i(ereu=si. kai\ qumia/sas e)n tw=| naw=| eu)qu\s e)leprw/qh. e)cane/teile ga\r h( le/pra e)n tw=| metw/pw| au)tou= e)n oi)/kw| kuri/ou: kai\ kate/spasen au)to\n e)kei=qen.
For Uzziah see already
omicron 68. After the opening phrase, the present entry follows George the Monk,
Chronicon 220.6-10 and 221.9-11; cf.
2 Chronicles 26
[1] Of Judah, rather.
[2] This verb should be plural
kate/spasan "they [the priests] drew him down."
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; medicine; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 October 2009@01:14:16.
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