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Search results for omicron,689 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,689
Translated headword: holiness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] devotion to God. That man is holy who has sanctified himself through faith and good works and has dedicated himself to God. Hence
Moses said concerning the man who abandons God and denied the covenants with God: "Do not say in your heart, 'let holy things come to me in departing from the Lord.'"[1] Just as he who is apostate from God and an evildoer is called unholy, so he who becomes familiar with God through faith and doing good is rightly called holy and just.
Greek Original:*(osio/ths: h( pro\s qeo\n kaqosi/wsis. kai\ e)kei=nos o(/sios o( e(auto\n dia\ pi/stews kai\ e)/rgwn a)gaqw=n kaqosiw/sas kai\ tw=| qew=| a)fierw/sas. o(/qen peri\ tou= to\n qeo\n katalimpa/nontos kai\ a)rnoume/nou ta\s pro\s qeo\n sunqh/kas e)/legen o( *mwsh=s: mh\ ei)/ph|s e)n th=| kardi/a| sou, o(/sia/ moi ge/noito e)n tw=| a)posth=nai a)po\ kuri/ou. kaqa/per ou)=n o( tou= qeou= a)posta/ths kai\ kakou=rgos a)no/sios le/getai, ou(/tws o( tw=| qew=| dia\ pi/stews kai\ a)gaqourgi/as oi)keiwqei\s o(/sios kai\ di/kaios ei)ko/tws o)noma/zetai.
From the Chronicon of George the Monk, 314.14-22.
[1] cf. Deuteronomy 29.19 LXX.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; historiography; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 December 2005@20:31:51.
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