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Search results for omicron,688 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,688
Translated headword: permitted place
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [A place] which may be walked on and is not sacred, into which one may go.
Aristophanes in
Lysistrata [writes]: "O lady Eileithuia,[1] hold back my delivery, until I go away into a permitted place." Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
o(/sia xrh/mata ["permitted monies"], [meaning] those that are not sacred. It is also called "of Dionysos."[2]
Damascius [writes]: [Osiris, Dionysos] "It is not right for a person to become wise in great matters who is not able [to be wise] in small matters."[3] "Since it was right to seek out his brother who had disappeared he took the road to Caria."[4]
Greek Original:*(/osion xwri/on: to\ be/bhlon kai\ mh\ i(ero/n, ei)s o(\ e)/cestin ei)sie/nai. *)aristofa/nhs *lusistra/th|: w)= po/tni' *ei)lei/quia, e)pi/sxes tou= to/kou, e(/ws a)\n ei)s o(/sion a)pe/lqw xwri/on. kai\ o(/sia xrh/mata, ta\ mh\ i(era/. le/getai de\ kai\ to\ *dionu/sion. kai\ *dama/skios: [*)/osiris, *dio/nusos.] ou)x o(/sio/n e)sti ta\ mega/la sofo\n gene/sqai to\n ta\ mikra\ mh\ duna/menon. e)pei\ d' o(/sion h)=n e)pizhth=sai to\n a)fanh= gegono/ta a)delfo\n th\n e)pi\ *kari/as e)tra/peto.
On the various meanings of
o(/sios, see LSJ s.v. and cf.
omicron 683,
omicron 684,
omicron 685,
omicron 687,
omicron 689,
omicron 690,
omicron 691,
omicron 692.
[1] cf. generally
epsiloniota 108.
Lysistrata 742-3 (web address 1), with scholion; cf. scholion on
Republic 344A. The entry so far =
Lexicon omicron553 Theodoridis, except that at the very end
Photius has
le/getai de\ kai\ to\ di/kaion o(/sion.
Life of Isidore fr. 362 Zintzen (227 Asmus). Kuster deleted "Osiris, Dionysos" here, recognizing that they came from
omicron 693.
Life of Isidore fr. 10 Zintzen (235 Asmus).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 December 2005@15:00:29.
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