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Adler number: omicron,687
Translated headword: profane
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Hyperides in the [speech]
Against Aristogeiton says: "and the monies, both sacred and profane".[1] And
Isocrates [says]: "to the sacred and to the profane".[2] They are calling "profane" what is public. And
Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Aristokrates teaches this clearly.[3] But
Didymus maintains that
hosios is said of two things, both what is sacred and what is private.[4]
Greek Original:*(/osion: *(uperi/dhs e)n tw=| pro\s *)aristogei/tona/ fhsi: kai\ ta\ xrh/mata, ta/ te i(era\ kai\ ta\ o(/sia. kai\ *)isokra/ths: toi=s i(eroi=s kai\ toi=s o(si/ois. ta\ dhmo/sia o(/sia le/gontes. kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs de\ e)n tw=| kata\ *timokra/tous safw=s dida/skei tou=to. *di/dumos de/ fhsi dixw=s le/gesqai to\ o(/sion, to/ te i(ero\n kai\ to\ i)diwtiko/n.
Abridged from Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v.
Hyperides fr. 32 Jensen.
Isocrates 7.77.
Demosthenes 24.120.
Didymus p.316 Schmidt. The point being made is equally obscure in Harpok. One could consider supplementary emendation, on the lines of "[the opposite of] both etc.", but a larger polemical point may be at issue.
Robert Parker, Athenian Religion (Oxford 1996) 123 with n.9.
Keywords: definition; economics; ethics; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@08:11:54.
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