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Search results for omicron,68 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,68
Translated headword: Ozias, Uzziah
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Amaziah, [...] good and just by nature and generous and diligent at foreseeing affairs and victorious over many enemies [...] and subduing everything up to the borders of the Egyptians, began finally to make his concern for
Jerusalem; and he rebuilt all the walls that had been overthrown by time [...] and many towers one hundred and eight cubits high[1] and he fortified garrisons in the desert places, and dug many channels for water. [He had] an immense quantity of livestock.[2] Being a farmer,[3] he took great care of the earth. Of chosen soldiery he had 370 thousand, 2 thousand taxiarchs [and chiliarchs] and all kinds of armaments. Coming into such an array and preparation, he was corrupted in mind by arrogance and being puffed up with perishable substance he disregarded the immortal strength which suffices for all time: this was piety towards God and keeping the commandments. He fell because of prosperity and was carried towards his father's sins, to which the splendor of his good [fortune] and the greatness of his deeds led that man also, when he was not able to stand up well under them. When a notable day came with a feast for all the people, putting on a priestly robe he went into the precinct to offer incense to God at the golden altar. When the high priest Zachariah[4] and those who were with him from the family of Aaron shouted for him to go out and the eighty priests (for they said he was not permitted to sacrifice, but only those from the family of Aaron were allowed to do this) and not to transgress against God, he was angered and threatened them with death, if they did not hold their peace.
Greek Original:*)ozi/as, *)amasi/ou ui(o/s, a)gaqo\s kai\ di/kaios th\n fu/sin kai\ megalo/frwn kai\ pronoh=sai pragma/twn filoponw/tatos kai\ pollou\s pole/mous nenikhkw\s kai\ pa/nta me/xri tw=n *ai)gupti/wn o(/rwn xeirwsa/menos tw=n *(ierosolu/mwn h)/rxeto poiei=sqai to\ loipo\n th\n e)pime/leian: kai\ tw=n teixw=n o(/sa u(po\ xro/nou katebe/blhto prosw|kodo/mhse kai\ pu/rgous pollou\s o)ktw\ ph/xewn kai\ e(kato\n kai\ frourou\s e)netei/xise toi=s e)rh/mois xwri/ois, kai\ pollou\s o)xetou\s w)/rucen u(da/twn. kthnw=n a)/peiro/n ti plh=qos. gewrgo\s d' w)\n sfo/dra th=s gh=s e)pemelei=to. stratia=s d' ei)=xen e)pile/ktou muria/das z# kai\ l#, tacia/rxas #22b# kai\ o(/pla pantoi=a. geno/menos de\ e)n toiau/th| sunta/cei kai\ paraskeuh=| diefqa/rh th\n dia/noian u(po\ tu/fou kai\ xaunwqei\s qnhth=| periousi/a| th=s a)qana/tou kai\ pro\s a(/panta diarkou=s to\n xro/non i)sxu/os w)ligw/rhsen: au(/th d' h)=n h( pro\s to\n qeo\n eu)se/beia kai\ to\ threi=n ta\ no/mima. w)/lisqe d' u(p' eu)praci/as kai\ kathne/xqh pro\s ta\ tou= patro\s a(marth/mata, pro\s a(\ ka)kei=non h( tw=n a)gaqw=n lampro/ths kai\ to\ me/geqos tw=n pragma/twn, ou) dunhqe/nta prosth=nai kalw=s au)tw=n, h)/gagen. e)nsta/shs d' h(me/ras e)pish/mou kai\ pa/ndhmon e(orth\n e)xou/shs, e)ndu\s i(eratikh\n stolh\n ei)sh=lqen ei)s to\ te/menos, e)piqusia/swn e)pi\ tou= xrusou= bwmou= tw=| qew=|. tou= de\ a)rxiere/ws *zaxari/ou kai\ tw=n o)/ntwn su\n au)tw=| e)c *)aarw\n ge/nous katabow/ntwn diecie/nai kai\ tw=n o)gdoh/konta i(ere/wn [ou) ga\r e)co\n e)piqu/ein ei)=pon, mo/nois d' e)fei=tai tou=to poiei=n toi=s a)po\ tou= ge/nous *)aarw/n], kai\ mh\ paranomei=n ei)s to\n qeo/n, o)rgisqei\s h)pei/lhsen au)toi=s qa/naton, ei) mh\ th\n h(suxi/an a)/cousin.
Paraphrased and abridged from
Antiquities of the Jews 216-224 (web address 1). See also
omicron 69, which tells (from another source) what happened next.
Josephus says, less absurdly,
penth/konta phxw=n e(/kaston "fifty cubits each."
[2] "He had" (
h)=n d' au)tw=| in
Josephus) is missing from the Suda; manuscript G supplied
ei)=xe, and M has in the margin
zh/tei r(h=ma "it needs a verb."
Josephus has
gewrgiko/s "agriculturally inclined", not
[4] cf.
zeta 23.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; architecture; biography; clothing; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; religion; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 November 2009@01:18:59.
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