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Search results for omicron,671 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,671
Translated headword: pantomime dancing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Augustus Caesar invented this, with Pylades and
Bacchylides its first practitioners.[1]
And Anagallis of Corcyra [Corfu], the female scholar, attributes the discovery of the ball[-dance] to Nausicaa daughter of
Greek Original:*)/orxhsis panto/mimos: tau/thn o( *au)/goustos *kai=sar e)feu=re, *pula/dou kai\ *bakxuli/dou prw/twn au)th\n metelqo/ntwn. kai\ *)anagalli\s h( *kerkurai/a, grammatikh/, th\n th=s sfai/ras eu(/resin *nausika/a| th=| *)alkino/ou qugatri\ a)nati/qhsin.
[1] A careless approximation of
Historia nova 1.6.1, who merely places this discovery in the
time of Octavian/Augustus; see in context at
alpha 735. Also, the second of the pair of names should be Bathyllos.
[2] From
Deipnosophists 1.14D (1.25 Kaibel); cf.
omicron 670. See already at
alpha 1817, and again
sigma 1720.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; epic; geography; historiography; meter and music; women
Translated by: John Dant on 20 August 2010@23:04:20.
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