Suda On Line
Search results for omicron,670 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,670
Translated headword: dance, dancing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Homer knows two dances, the one performed by acrobats and the one with the ball. Aristonikos of
Karystos, the ball-player of king Alexander [sc. the Great], danced the ball-dance.
Greek Original:*)/orxhsis: du/o o)rxh/seis oi)=den o( *(/omhros, th\n tw=n kubisthth/rwn kai\ th\n dia\ th=s sfai/ras. th\n de\ sfairistikh\n e)/paicen *)aristo/nikos o( *karu/stios, *)aleca/ndrou tou= basile/ws sfairisth/s.
Keywords: biography; daily life; epic; geography; meter and music
Translated by: John Dant on 20 August 2010@23:06:43.
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