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Search results for omicron,67 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,67
Translated headword: to smell
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [writes]: "for now these seem to me to smell of bigger and greater matters; and most of all I catch the scent of the tyranny of
Hippias."[1] This man was a tyrant, who made the Athenians wear
katonakai, so that they would not be able to bring their hands forward.[2] But the Lacedaemonians stoned him to death.[3] There being 4 sons of Peisistratos,
Hippias was older than the others and [sc. therefore] set up a tyranny.
Greek Original:*)/ozein: *)aristofa/nhs: h)/dh ga\r o)/zein tadi\ pleio/nwn kai\ megi/stwn pragma/twn moi dokei=: kai\ ma/list' o)sfrai/nomai th=s *(ippi/ou turanni/dos. ou(=tos tu/rannos h)=n, o(\s e)poi/hse tou\s *)aqhnai/ous katwna/kas forei=n, o(/pws mh\ dunhqw=si proenegkei=n ta\s xei=ras. tou=ton de\ kate/leusan *lakedaimo/nioi. d# o)/ntwn tw=n *peisistratidw=n, o( de\ *(ippi/as presbu/teros h)=n tw=n a)/llwn kai\ turanni/an u(pe/qeto.
Lysistrata 617-619 (web address 1), with scholion. The headword infinitive is extracted from the quotation.
[2] On the
katwna/kh, see
kappa 1114.
[3] Untrue (see generally
iota 544,
iota 545); Adler notes the suggestion -- now orthodox -- by 'Meurs[ius]' (Jan de Meurs, 1579-1639) that the transmitted verb
kate/leusan should be
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; comedy; definition; history; imagery; poetry; politics
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 26 October 2009@21:27:30.
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