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Headword: *)orfeu/s
Adler number: omicron,654
Translated headword: Orpheus
Vetting Status: high
[Orpheus], of Leibethra in Thrace (the town is below Pieria),[1] son of Oiagros and Kalliope. Oiagros was in the fifth generation after Atlas, by Alkyone, one of his daughters. He lived 11 generations before the Trojan Wars, and they say he was a student of Linos.[2] He lived for 9 generations, though some say 11. He wrote Triasms, but these are also said to be by Ion the tragedian.[3] Among them [are] the so-called Hierostolika ['Sacred Missives']; Cosmic Calls; Neoteuktika; Sacred Speeches in 24 rhapsodies, but these are said to be by Theognetos the Thessalian, or by the Pythagorean Kerkops;[4] Oracles, which are attributed to Onomakritos; Rites, though these too are attributed to Onomakritos; among these is the Concerning Cutting on Stones, entitled Eighty Stone; Deliverances, but these are said to be by Timokles the Syracusan or by Persinos the Milesian; Mixing Bowls, said to be by Zopyros; Thronismoi of the Mother and Bacchica, said to be by Nikias of Elea; Descent into Hades, said to be by Herodikos of Perinthos; Robe and Net, also said to be by Zopyros of Herakleia, though others say Bro[?n]tinos; an Onomastikon in epic hexameter, a Theogony in epic hexameter; Astronomy, Amokopia,[5] Thyepolikon, Oiothytika or Oioskopika in epic hexameter, Katazostikon, Hymns, Korybantikon, and Physika ['Writings on Nature'], which they [also] attribute to Bro[?n]tinos.
Greek Original:
*)orfeu/s, *leibh/qrwn tw=n e)n *qra/|kh| [po/lis d' e)sti\n u(po\ th=| *pieri/a|], ui(o\s *oi)a/grou kai\ *kallio/phs. o( de\ *oi)/agros pe/mptos h)=n a)po\ *)/atlantos, kata\ *)alkuo/nhn mi/an tw=n qugate/rwn au)tou=. ge/gone de\ pro\ ia# genew=n tw=n *trwi+kw=n, kai/ fasi maqhth\n gene/sqai au)to\n *li/nou: biw=nai de\ genea\s q#, oi( de\ ia# fasin. e)/graye *triasmou/s: le/gontai de\ ei)=nai *)/iwnos tou= tragikou=: e)n de\ tou/tois ta\ *(ierostolika\ kalou/mena: *klh/seis kosmikai/: *neoteuktika/: *(ierou\s lo/gous e)n r(ayw|di/ais kd#: le/gontai de\ ei)=nai *qeognh/tou tou= *qessalou=, oi( de\ *ke/rkwpos tou= *puqagorei/ou: *xrhsmou/s, oi(\ a)nafe/rontai ei)s *)onoma/kriton: *teleta/s: o(moi/ws de/ fasi kai\ tau/tas *)onomakri/tou: e)n tou/tois d' e)sti\ peri\ li/qwn glufh=s, h(/tis *)ogdohkonta/liqos e)pigra/fetai: *swth/ria: tau=ta *timokle/ous tou= *surakousi/ou le/getai h)\ *persi/nou tou= *milhsi/ou: *krath=ras: tau=ta *zwpu/rou fasi/: *qronismou\s *mhtrw/|ous kai\ *bakxika/: tau=ta *niki/ou tou= *)elea/tou fasi\n ei)=nai: *ei)s a(/|dou kata/basin: tau=ta *(hrodi/kou tou= *perinqi/ou: *pe/plon kai\ *di/ktuon: kai\ tau=ta *zwpu/rou tou= *(hraklew/tou, oi( de\ *broti/nou: *)onomastiko\n e)/ph #22as1#, *qeogoni/an e)/ph #22as1#, *)astronomi/an, *)amokopi/a, *quhpoliko/n, *)w|oqutika\ h)\ *)w|oskopika/, e)pikw=s: *katazwstiko/n, *(/umnous: *korubantiko/n: kai\ *fusika/, a(\ *broti/nou fasi/n.
See generally under omicron 660.
[1] cf. lambda 359.
[2] lambda 568.
[3] iota 487. Küster corrected the title of this work to *triagmou/s "Triads", comparing Harpocration s.v. *)/iwn.
[4] Kerkon in one manuscript.
[5] Thus as transmitted -- but it was emended to Amoskopia in the Suda editio princeps, to Ammoskopia by Diels, and to Amnoskopia (or Astrokopia) by Lobeck. If Amnoskopia is correct (cf. LSJ on a related noun and verb), it could mean either literal 'sheep-watching/shepherding' or divination by means of watching sheep (so G.R.S. Mead).
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; geography; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 25 November 2003@20:32:29.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplied some notes; augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 26 November 2003@03:26:25.
Catharine Roth (added note, other cosmetics) on 14 May 2008@15:08:43.
David Whitehead (another note; tweaking) on 23 July 2013@03:26:21.
David Whitehead (added a note, at the prompting of Dr Nick Nicholas; another keyword; cosmetics) on 5 January 2016@04:51:11.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 5 January 2016@12:03:31.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 13 February 2021@01:02:31.


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