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Search results for omicron,644 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,644
Translated headword: terms, boundaries, landmarks
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] divisions, limitations.[1]
"Isidore set down distinctive terms and criteria for divine affairs with regard to the differentiation from human [affairs]: above all the efficacy of industriousness, and of a keen intellect’s judgment in avoiding public and habitual conformity with the multitude, and of love itself, excited for the enjoyment of intellectual beauty, and nowhere otherwise distracted."[2]
Greek Original:*(/oroi: te/lh, o(rismoi/. o(/rous de\ e)ti/qeto kai\ tekmh/ria o( *)isi/dwros tw=n qei/wn a)fwrisme/na stoi/xwn pro\s th\n tw=n a)nqrwpei/wn dia/krisin: th=s me\n filoponi/as to\ a)nu/simon u(pe\r pa/nta lo/gon, th=s de\ eu)sune/tou gnw/mhs to\ e)cista/menon th=s e)mfanou=s kai\ sunh/qous toi=s polloi=s a)kolouqi/as, tou= de\ e)/rwtos au)tou= to\ parhreqisme/non ei)s th\n tou= nohtou= ka/llous a)po/lausin, a)/llh| de\ ou)damou= a)poplanw/menon.
The headword is a masculine noun in the nominative plural; see LSJ s.v.
o(/ros -ou, o(. In the quotation appended it appears in the accusative plural.
[1] The first gloss is a neuter noun in the nominative plural; see LSJ s.v.
te/los, -eos, to/. The second gloss is a masculine noun in the nominative plural; see LSJ s.v.
o(rismo/s, -ou=, o(.
Life of Isidore fr. 74 Zintzen (32 Asmus, 34B Athanassiadi); cf.
tau 245 (end). [In her critical apparatus, Adler notes that ms S (and also mss AF s.v.
tau 245, where this quotation reappears) reads
a)fwrisme/nwn, and thus
of those distinguished divine things; also that here the text follows ms A with
stoi/xwn (
of rows in a series, courses, grades, levels), whereas the repeated quotation at
tau 245, s.v.
tekmh/rion, more fluidly reads
stoixei/wn, and thus
of human elements; and that mss GSM read
ou)damh= instead of
P. Athanassiadi, ed. and trans., Damascius: The Philosophical History, Athens: Apamea Cultural Association, 1999
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 5 September 2009@02:47:01.
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