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Search results for omicron,631 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,631
Translated headword: dreads
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] fears.[1]
Properly o)rrwdei=n [refers] to irrational animals' fear. It is formed from indicating fear by shaking the tail [ou)ra/]; or from hiding the genitals with this part in the condition of fear; or because the buttocks [o)/rros][2] of those who are afraid are the first [part] to sweat. The [verb] o)rrwdei=n[3] [comes] from o)/rros, which is the part between the buttocks of a pigeon. For the part tends to tremble.[4]
Greek Original:*)orrwdei=: fobei=tai. kuri/ws me\n o)rrwdei=n e)pi\ tou= tw=n a)lo/gwn de/ous. pepoi/htai de\ para\ to\ sei/onta th\n ou)ra\n dhlou=n to\ de/os: h)\ para\ to\ e)gkru/ptein tw=| me/rei tou/tw| ta\ ai)doi=a kata\ th\n tou= de/ous dia/qesin: h)\ o(/ti tw=n foboume/nwn ei)/wqen o( o)/rros prw=tos i(drou=n. e)/sti to\ o)rrwdei=n a)po\ tou= o)/rrou, o(/ e)sti mesopu/gion th=s peristera=s. e)/sti ga\r tromero\n to\ me/ros.
See also
omicron 632.
[1] Likewise in other lexica; references at
Photius omicron523. The headword -- present indicative active, third person singular, of this verb -- must be quoted from somewhere.
[2] The manuscripts here read
o(/ros 'boundary' but the
editio princeps of
Demetrius Chalcocondyles (1499) corrected it to
[3] The manuscripts read
fobei=sqai 'to fear', which the
editio princeps corrected to
[4] From a scholion on
Plutus [
Wealth] 122, where
o)rrwdw= occurs; cf. scholion on
Knights 126, where
o)rrwdw=n occurs.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 May 2010@01:34:26.
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