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Search results for omicron,627 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,627
Translated headword: definition
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A [o(/ros] definition is an analytical statement expressed precisely; [1] or [it is] an account [of a peculiar characteristic].[2] But an outline [u(pografh/] is a statement that introduces [us] to the facts by means of an impression, or [it is] a definition which conveys in a simpler form the power of the definition.[3]
Definition differs from demonstration. See also under [the entry] 'demonstration'.[4]
Greek Original:*(/oros: o(/ros e)sti\ lo/gos kat' a)na/lusin a)partizo/ntws e)kfero/menos: h)\ h( a)po/dosis. u(pografh\ de/ e)sti lo/gos tupwdw=s ei)sa/gwn ei)s ta\ pra/gmata, h)\ o(/ros a(plou/steron th\n tou= o(/rou du/namin prosenhnegme/nos. diafe/rei de\ o(/ros a)podei/cews. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a)po/deicis.
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 7 January 2004@14:15:50.
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