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Search results for omicron,622 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,622
Translated headword: Orontas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name.[1] Also [sc. attested is] Orontes, a river [of that name].[2]
Greek Original:*)oro/ntas: o)/noma ku/rion. kai\ *)oro/nths, potamo/s.
The neatness of this distinction is spoiled by
omicron 624, q.v.
[1] That of a number of high-ranking Persians active in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, e.g. the two mentioned in
Anabasis; and see also e.g.
Demosthenes 14.31.
[2] The main river of
Syria; the present-day Nahr el-Asi. See generally OCD4 s.v..
Keywords: biography; definition; geography; historiography; history; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 September 2002@10:59:22.
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