*)orei=s: tou\s h(mio/nous. h( eu)qei=a *)oreu/s.
[1] The headword, accusative plural, is evidently quoted from somewhere. Same gloss in
Photius (omicron458 Theodoridis); cf. Harpokration (on
o)rika/), a scholion on
Lysis 208A, and
Hesychius omicron1170. According to Chantraine,
o)reu/s (epic/Ionic
ou)reu/s) etymologically means the animal that makes a furrow (
o(/ros), mules being preferred to oxen for plowing. A folk etymology connects the word with
o)/ros "mountain"; this may account for the smooth breathing of the Attic
[2] Similar notes in ps.-Herodian and
Pollux. See also
omicron 532.
P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, ed. 2 (Paris 2009) 788-9
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; cosmetics) on 15 January 2010@03:18:11.
Catharine Roth (expanded note, added cross-reference) on 18 January 2010@00:47:05.
David Whitehead (small expansions in notes) on 8 July 2013@03:27:52.
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