"There were mountains full of all kinds of wild beasts; moving through [the mountains] in circles the soldiers killed many of the beasts."
*)orgmeu/ontes: h)=san de\ o)/rh pantoi/wn qhri/wn a)na/plea, a(\ kata\ ku/klous o)rgmeu/ontes oi( stratiw=tai polla\ tw=n qhri/wn h(/|roun.
Küster emended the headword participle (masculine nominative plural) to
o)gmeu/ontes both times (cf.
o)/gmos at
omicron 26), but Adler notes that Hemsterhuys defended the manuscript reading, comparing
Hesychius omicron1378 s.v.
The ultimate source of the quotation is unknown, but it was transmitted via the excerpts made for Constantine Porphyrogenitus.
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