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Search results for omicron,512 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,512
Translated headword: cult-members
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There is a speech of
Isaeus to cult-members.[1] Cult-members [
o)rgew=nes] are those coming together to honor gods or heroes; for [the verb]
o)rgia/zein is sacrificing and seeing[2] the customary acts - either from stretching out [
o)re/gein] the hands or from the secret rites [
o)/rgia,[3] or because the ceremonies are performed in
o)rga/des[4] and groves. Perhaps the custom of giving the same name to people gathered together to honor some of the dead and to cult-members arose later, as can be seen from the will of
"One of the orgeones from
Eleusis", says
Aelian in
On Forethought.[5]
Greek Original:*)orgew=nas: *)isai/ou lo/gos e)sti\n w(s o)rgew=nas. o)rgew=nes de/ ei)sin oi( e)pi\ timh=| qew=n h)\ h(rw/wn sunio/ntes: o)rgia/zein ga/r e)sti to\ qu/ein kai\ ta\ nomizo/mena o(ra=n: h)\ para\ to\ o)re/gein tw\ xei=re: h)\ para\ ta\ o)/rgia: h)\ dia\ to\ e)n tai=s o)rga/si kai\ toi=s a)/lsesi ta\ i(era\ dra=n. oi( me/ntoi poihtai\ e)/tatton tou)/noma a(plw=s e)pi\ tw=n i(ere/wn. mh/pote de\ u(/steron nenomi/sqai to\ e)pi\ timh=| tinas tw=n a)poqano/ntwn sunie/nai kai\ o)rgew=nas o)noma/zesqai, w(s e)/sti sunidei=n e)k tw=n *qeofra/stou diaqhkw=n. tw=n e)c *)eleusi=nos o)rgew/nwn ei(=s: fhsi\n *ai)liano\s e)n tw=| *peri\ pronoi/as.
The main part of this entry is an abridgement of Harpokration s.v.
For the headword noun (here in the accusative plural: see next note) cf.
omicron 509,
omicron 510,
omicron 511.
Isaeus fr. 111 Sauppe. The Suda's
w(s o)rgew=nas is a corruption of Harpok.'s
pro\s ... ('In reply to ...').
[2] So the transmitted text,
o(ra=n; but change to
dra=n, "performing" (as in Harpok.). On
o)rgia/zein, see
omicron 516.
[3] cf.
omicron 515.
[4] See
omicron 504,
omicron 505.
Aelian fr. 10a Domingo-Forasté (10 Hercher).
OCD(4) 1046
Keywords: aetiology; biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@07:02:05.
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