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Search results for omicron,466 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,466
Translated headword: hoplites
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Hoplites,] peltasts, light-armed: these are constituents of the infantry fighting-force, but they present differences. "Hoplites" is the term for those who use heavy equipment in the Macedonian manner, with round shields and rather long spears.[1] "Light-armed" employ the lightest gear: bow, javelin, and stones, whether slung or hand-thrown. "Peltasts" are equipped in a sort of intermediate way; for the
pelte is a small, light shield; and their spears are much lighter than those of the hoplites.[2] There are also three varieties of cavalry force.[3]
Aristophanes [writes]: "lay down your wrath beside your anger like a hoplite".[4] That is, having no weapons, he fights the war with wrath only.[5]
Greek Original:*(opli=tai, peltastai/, yiloi/, th=s pezikh=s ei)si kai\ maxi/mou duna/mews, e)/xousi de\ diafora/s: o(pli=tai me\n ga\r le/gontai oi( baruta/th| kexrhme/noi o(pli/sei kata\ to\n *makedoniko\n tro/pon a)spi/si perifere/si kai\ do/rasi perimhkeste/rois, *yiloi\ de\ oi(\ koufota/th| ke/xrhntai, to/cw| kai\ a)konti/w| kai\ li/qois e)k sfendo/nhs h)\ e)k xeiro/s: oi( de\ peltastai\ me/sh| pws ke/xrhntai skeuh=|: h(/ te ga\r pe/lth mikra/ ti/s e)stin a)spidi/skh kai\ kou/fh: kai\ ta\ do/rata polu\ tw=n o(plitw=n leipo/mena. ei)si\ de\ kai\ th=s o)xhmatikh=s duna/mews trei=s diaforai/. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: to\n qumo\n kata/qou ku/yas para\ th\n o)rgh\n w(/sper o(pli/ths. oi(=on o(/pla mh\ e)/xwn, qumw=| pole/mei mo/non.
[1] See generally OCD(4) p.704; and cf.
omicron 468 (and
omicron 465).
[2] See generally OCD(4) p.1102.
[3] This material then continues at
iota 546.
Birds 401-2 (web address 1).
[5] The scholiast here misses the point of this clever combination of figurative and literal laying-down. See Dunbar 290-1.
Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; history; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 July 2001@04:14:01.
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