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Search results for omicron,425 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,425
Translated headword: gallows-refuse
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Hyperides in the [speech]
Against Demades [says]: "concerning which, the stele would have been far more justly set up amongst the gallows-refuse than amongst our shrines".[1] Some, including
Aristarchus, maintain that oxythymia is the term applied to the wooden [gallows] from which certain people are hanged, [the term deriving] from being quick [oxys] to anger [thymos]; these [gallows] they cut down and root out and burn. But
Didymus asserts that oxythymia is the name for refuse and filth; for [he says that] this is taken out to crossroads whenever they purify houses.
Greek Original:*)ocuqu/mia: *(uperi/dhs e)n tw=| kata\ *dhma/dou fhsi/: peri\ ou(= pollw=| a)\n dikaio/teron e)n toi=s o)cuqu/mois h( sth/lh staqei/h h)\ e)n toi=s h(mete/rois i(eroi=s. e)/nioi me/n, w(=n e)sti kai\ *)ari/starxos, o)cuqu/mia le/gesqai/ fasi ta\ cu/la, a)f' w(=n a)pa/gxontai/ tines, a)po\ tou= o)ce/ws tw=| qumw=| xrh=sqai, tau=ta de\ e)kko/ptontes e)cori/zousi kai\ kai/ousi. *di/dumos de/ fhsin o)cuqu/mia ta\ kaqa/rmata le/gesqai kai\ a)polu/mata: tau=ta ga\r a)pofe/resqai ei)s ta\s trio/dous, o(/tan ta\s oi)ki/as kaqai/rwsin.
Robert Parker, Miasma (Oxford 1983) 30
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@06:30:25.
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