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Adler number: omicron,406
Translated headword: existing things
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of existing things, some are [taken] to be good, others bad, and others neither [sc. good nor bad].[1] Virtues are good things; the contrary (imprudence, injustice and the rest of these)[2] are bad things. Neither [good nor bad] are those things which neither benefit nor harm, such as life, health, pleasure, beauty, strength, wealth, reputation, nobility of birth. The things contrary to these are also neither good nor bad: death, illness, pain, shame, weakness, poverty, bad reputation, low birth, and the like.[3] Certainly these things are not good but indifferent, although the former[4] fall under the species of things preferred. For just as heating peculiarly belongs to what is hot, so too benefiting peculiarly belongs to what is good. But wealth and health do not benefit more than they harm. It follows that they are not good things. What can be used both well and badly is not a good. Wealth and health can be used both well and badly. Therefore, wealth and health are not good things. But pleasure is not a good thing either, for there are shameful pleasures, too, and nothing shameful is a good thing.
Greek Original:*)/onta: tw=n o)/ntwn ta\ me\n a)gaqa\ ei)=nai, ta\ de\ kaka/, ta\ de\ ou)de/tera. a)gaqa\ me\n ai( a)retai/: kaka\ de\ ta\ e)nanti/a, a)frosu/nh, a)diki/a, kai\ ta\ loipa/: ou)de/tera de\ o(/sa mh/te w)felei= mh/te bla/ptei, oi(=on zwh/, u(gei/a, h(donh/, ka/llos, i)sxu/s, plou=tos, do/ca, eu)ge/neia: kai\ ta\ tou/tois e)nanti/a, qa/natos, no/sos, po/nos, ai)=sxos, a)sqe/neia, peni/a, a)doci/a, dusge/neia kai\ ta\ paraplh/sia: mh\ ga\r ei)=nai tau=ta a)gaqa/, a)ll' a)dia/fora, kat' ei)=dos prohgme/na. w(s ga\r i)/dion qermou= to\ qermai/nein, ou(/tw kai\ a)gaqou= to\ w)felei=n. ou) ma=llon de\ w)felei= h)\ bla/ptei o( plou=tos kai\ h( u(gei/a: ou)k a)/ra a)gaqo/n: w(=| de\ e)/stin eu)= kai\ kakw=s xrh=sqai ou)k e)/stin a)gaqo/n: plou/tw| de\ kai\ u(gei/a| e)/stin eu)= kai\ kakw=s xrh=sqai: ou)k a)/ra a)gaqo\n plou=tos kai\ u(gei/a. a)ll' ou)de\ h( h(donh\ a)gaqo/n: ei)=nai ga\r kai\ ai)sxra\s h(dona/s: mhde\n de\ ai)sxro\n ei)=nai a)gaqo/n.
This entry stems from
Diogenes Laertius
Lives of Eminent Philosophers7.102-103 (web address 1).
[1] This is almost a literal quotation of the opening lines of the extract of Stoic ethics included in
Extracts 2.57, 19-20 (ed. Wachsmuth). A complete English translation of the doxography of Stoic ethics preserved in
Stobaeus can be found in B. Inwood and L.P. Gerson,
Hellenistic Philosophy. Introductory Readings, (Indianapolis/Cambridge), 1997 second edition, 203-232.
[2] i.e. the other vices: intemperance and cowardice (see
Extracts 2.57, 22-58, 1 ed. Wachsmuth; Diog.Laert. 7.93 & 95.
[3] According to Diog.Laert., the doctrine of
adiaphora (things "morally neutral") was held by the Stoic philosophers Hecaton (disciple of Panaetius, first century BCE, in book seven of his work
On Ends),
Apollodorus (late second century BCE, in his work
Ethics), and
Chrysippus (head of the school from 232 BCE).
[4] i.e. life, health, pleasure, wealth, etc.
A.A. Long, D.N. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers (Cambridge, 1987), vol. 1 (Translations of the Principal Sources with Philosophical Commentary), 357-359
B. Inwood, Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism (Oxford, 1985), pp. 198-205.
N.P. White, "Stoic Values", in The Monist, vol. 73, No. 1 (1990), pp. 42-58.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: economics; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 26 October 1999@17:29:50.
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