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Search results for omicron,405 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,405
Translated headword: Honorius, Honorios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name.
Greek Original:*(onw/rios: o)/noma ku/rion.
The best known Honorius is Flavius Honorius, the younger son of
Theodosius I (
theta 144) and ruler of the western Roman Empire 395-423 CE (RE Honorius 3, PLRE I, s.v. Fl. Honorius 3, web address 1; cf.
kappa 1707,
rho 240,
upsilon 169). From epigraphical evidence, the name appears to have been neither popular nor rare: 21 Honorii appear in the
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinorum (11 of them in Christian contexts) and the name occurs a total of fifty-four times in the Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (the majority referring to the emperor Flavius Honorius; web address 2). The name was common in
Theodosius' family -- both his grandfather (PLRE I, s.v. Honorius 1) and his brother (PLRE I, s.v. Honorius 2) share the name. Unsurprisingly in the light of Flavius Honorius' inauspicious reign, the name appears to have fallen out of favor for nearly a century before reappearing in the mid-sixth century, when we find an Honorius writing to the bishop Jordanes (PLRE IIIA, s.v. Honorius 1) and another holding the position of
praefectus urbi in 535/536 CE under King Theodahad (PLRE IIIA, s.v. Honorius 2). In the mid- to late sixth century we find an Honorius from
Spain described as a “senator” (he was probably only a prominent aristocrat; PLRE IIIA, s.v. Honorius 3) and another who was the governor of Carrhae (it is possible that he was named Iyarios: cf. PLRE IIIA, s.v. Honorius 4). In the sixth and seventh centuries, we see a Honorius renowned for his clever solutions to riddles (PLRE IIIA, s.v. Honorius 5) and another who was
primicerius at Odessus (PLRE IIIA, s.v. Honorius 6). There were two prominent Honorii in early ecclesiastical history: Pope Honorius (625 - 12 October 638 CE; web address 3) and Saint Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury (627 - 30 September 653; web address 4). Additionally, Honorius was the
nomen of the sixth-century bishop and poet Fortunatus (web address 5).
Bury, J.B. History of the Later Roman Empire: from the Death of Theodosius I to the Death of Justinian, (New York, 1958)
Cameron, A. Claudian: Poetry and Propaganda at the Court of Honorius, (Oxford, 1970)
----- "Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilico", HSPh LXXIII (1969): 247-280
Harries, J. "Prudentius and Theodosius", Latomus XLIII (1984): 69-84
Jones, A. The Later Roman Empire, 284-602: a Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. (Norman, 1964)
Kajanto, I. The Latin Cognomina, Rome, 1982)
Schulze, W. Geschichte Latinischer Eigennamen (Berlin, 1966)
Thompson, E. "Zosimus 6.10.2 and the letters of Honorius", CQ XXXII (1982): 445-462
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; history; religion
Translated by: Bret Mulligan on 19 June 2003@16:30:23.
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