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Search results for omicron,404 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,404
Translated headword: Honoria
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Sister of [the emperor] Valentinian;[1] she held imperial authority in her own right. She was caught going secretly to the bed of a certain Eugenius who was her overseer. Because of this offense he was put to death and she was expelled from the palace.
Greek Original:*(onwri/a, a)delfh\ *balentinianou=: h(/tis kai\ au)th\ tw=n basilikw=n ei)/xeto skh/ptrwn. *eu)geni/w| de/ tini th\n e)pime/leian tw=n au)th=s e)/xonti pragma/twn h(/lw e)s la/qrion e)rxome/nh le/xos, kai\ e)pi\ tw=| a(marth/mati a)nh|re/qh me\n e)kei=nos, h( de\ tw=n basilei/wn e)chla/qh.
Justa Grata Honoria, elder sister of Valentinian III (emperor 425-455). She held the title of Augusta and has her own
De Imperatoribus Romanis entry (Ralph W. Mathisen, web address 1). The present material has been attributed to both John of
Antioch (fr. 199.2 FHG [4.613], now 292 Roberto) and
Priscus (first advocated by de Boor; now P's fr.64 Bornmann).
[1] Valentinian:
omicron 762,
omicron 763.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; constitution; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 January 2004@00:36:23.
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