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Search results for omicron,397 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/onou paraku/yews
Adler number: omicron,397
Translated headword: a donkey's poking-in
Vetting Status: high
The proverb is said about those being prosecuted on laughable grounds. The story goes that a certain potter -- though some [say] model-maker -- was modelling a load of birds in his workshop. A donkey appeared, while his driver was being careless, and poked in through the doorway; it knocked over the birds and upset the equipment in the workshop. The workshop's owner therefore took the driver to court. When the driver was asked by those he met 'what is the charge against you?', he said '[that] of a donkey's poking-in'.
Greek Original:
*)/onou paraku/yews: e)pi\ tw=n katagela/stws sukofantoume/nwn ei)/rhtai h( paroimi/a. fasi\ ga/r, o(/ti kerameu/s tis, oi( de\ koropla/qos, e)/platte polla\s o)/rnis e)n tw=| e)rgasthri/w|. o)/nos de\ pariw/n, a)kolouqou=ntos a)melw=s tou= o)nhla/tou, paraku/yas dia\ th=s quri/dos a)ne/treye ta\s o)/rniqas kai\ ta\ e)n tw=| e)rgasthri/w| sune/triye skeu/h. o( toi/nun ku/rios tou= e)rgasthri/ou e)pi\ kri/sin h)/gage to\n o)nhla/thn. e)rwtw/menos de\ e)kei=nos u(po\ tw=n a)pantw/ntwn, ti/nos kri/noito, e)/legen, o)/nou paraku/yews.
Menander fr. 246 Kock, 211 Koerte, now 189 K.-A.; cf. (e.g.) Zenobius 5.39. See also omicron 398 for a variant on the anecdote. (In both entries the headword phrase is in the genitive case, in accordance with the idiom governing legal charges and the names of court-cases.)
Keywords: comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; proverbs; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 November 2002@05:23:17.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 26 January 2004@21:20:37.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 21 November 2005@06:38:20.
David Whitehead on 4 July 2013@05:34:34.
David Whitehead on 31 December 2014@06:19:00.


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