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Search results for omicron,393 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,393
Translated headword: a donkey moving its ears
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who are insensible twice over. For the creature is lazy; and moving the ears is tantamount to pretending to have heard something before being told it; which is [a mark] of insensibility. For how could it happen to someone to know everything even before it had been told to him, even if he had big ears like a donkey?
Greek Original:*)/onos ta\ w)=ta kinw=n: e)pi\ tw=n a)naisqh/twn kata\ a)mfo/tera. to/ te ga\r zw=|o/n e)sti nwxele/s: to\ de\ ta\ w)=ta kinei=n, oi(onei\ pro\ tou= lalh=sai/ tina pa/nu tou=to a)khkoe/nai prospoiei=sqai: o(/per e)stin a)naisqhsi/as. pw=s ga\r a)\n ge/noito tini pa/nta e)gnwke/nai kai\ pro\ tou= lalhqh=nai au)tw=|, ka)\n w)=ta mega/la e)/xh| kaqa/per o)/nos.
Elsewhere --
Zenobius 5.42, [
On the proverbs of the Alexandrians fr. 32,
Photius omicron369 Theodoridis (s.v.
o)/nw| tis) -- the proverb is in a fuller form: 'someone told a story to a donkey; it moved its ears'. See generally Tosi [cited under
alpha 378] no.1932.
Keywords: daily life; ethics; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 January 2010@08:39:04.
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