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Search results for omicron,382 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/onos a)/gwn musth/ria
Adler number: omicron,382
Translated headword: a donkey celebrating the Mysteries
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those doing something undeservedly.
For at the Mysteries the necessary items used to be conveyed out of town to Eleusis on donkeys. Hence the proverb, [used] because the donkeys bearing their burdens had an especially bad time of it. So since [Xanthias] would be experiencing the same things as [a donkey] suffering from the laden weight, Aristophanes adduces the proverb.
Greek Original:
*)/onos a)/gwn musth/ria: e)pi\ tw=n par' a)ci/an ti pratto/ntwn. toi=s ga\r musthri/ois e)c a)/steos ei)s *)eleusi=na dia\ tw=n o)/nwn e)/feron ta\ ei)s th\n xrei/an. o(/qen h( paroimi/a, dia\ to\ kakopaqei=n ma/lista tou\s o)/nous a)xqoforou=ntas. w(s a)\n ou)=n o(/moia pa/sxwn tw=| piezei=sqai tw=| e)pikeime/nw| a)/xqei, th\n paroimi/an mi/gnusin *)aristofa/nhs.
Again omicron 383. The present material stems from the scholia to Aristophanes, Frogs 159 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; geography; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 July 2006@06:16:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 21 July 2006@14:41:28.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 23 July 2006@05:05:56.
David Whitehead on 4 July 2013@04:39:45.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 4 July 2013@22:01:25.


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