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Search results for omicron,367 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,367
Translated headword: onogyros, onogyrus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An evil-averting plant, which smells when rubbed; some, though, call it anagyros. It has given rise, metaphorically, to the proverb: "you are moving the anagyros". In reference to those doing themselves harm.
Greek Original:*)ono/guros: futo\n a)leci/kakon, o(/per tribo/menon o)/zei: oi( de\ a)na/guron au)to/ fasin. o(/qen methne/xqai kai\ th\n paroimi/an: kinei=s to\n a)na/guron. e)pi\ tw=n e)pispwme/nwn e(autoi=s ta\ kaka/.
Keywords: botany; daily life; ethics; imagery; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 July 2001@05:23:04.
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