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Search results for omicron,336 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)oneidi/zw
Adler number: omicron,336
Translated headword: I reproach
Vetting Status: high
"You are wretched to reproach me for these things, which no one will not quick reproach you for."[1] That is, there is no one who will not reproach you for the things for which you reproached me. 'Quick' meaning quickly. And not much later they will call you blind. The address [is] to Teiresias.[2]
Greek Original:
*)oneidi/zw. su\ d' a)/qlio/s ge tau=t' o)neidi/zwn, a(/ soi ou)dei\s ou)xi\ tw=nd' o)neidiei= ta/xa. oi(=on ou)dei/s e)stin o(\s ou) tau=ta/ soi o)neidisei=, a(/per moi w)nei/disas. to\ de\ ta/xa a)nti\ tou= taxe/ws. kai/ se met' o)li/gon e)rou=si tuflo/n. pro\s *teiresi/an o( lo/gos.
The unglossed headword is present indicative active, first person singular, of the verb illustrated.
[1] Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus 372-3, with comments derived from the scholia there; cf. tau 1215.
[2] According to modern editors the lines are spoken by Teiresias to Oedipus.
Keywords: ethics; medicine; mythology; poetry; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 9 January 2010@22:40:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; more keywords; tweaks) on 10 January 2010@05:40:49.
David Whitehead on 2 July 2013@03:53:58.


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