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Search results for omicron,312 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,312
Translated headword: same-fronted
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A [same-fronted] double-phalanx in a march is the one which has the leaders of each phalanx drawn up from the same parts, i.e. from the right or the left [sc. parts] of each phalanx.
Greek Original:*(omoio/stomos e)n porei/a| difalaggi/a e)stin, h(/tis tou\s h(gemo/nas e(kate/ras th=s fa/laggos e)k tw=n au)tw=n merw=n tetagme/nous oi(=on e)k deciw=n h)\ e)c eu)wnu/mwn e(kate/ras fa/laggos e)/xei.
Same material in the
Asclepiodotus 10.22, 11.3-4;
Tact. 37.5; Arrian,
Tact. 29.4.
The glossary in the Loeb edition of
Asclepiodotus etc., by the Illinois Greek Club, clarifies the phrase
porei/a o(moio/stomos as follows: 'when the divisions of an army march in parallel formation, with the front-line men on the same side (xi.3); or in column, with the same disposition (xi. 4)'.
Keywords: definition; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 January 2010@09:32:32.
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