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Search results for omicron,31 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,31
Translated headword: Odainathos, Odaenathus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: From
Syria. This man, associating with the philosopher
Plutarch,[1] used to fill the discussions of his teacher with difficulties, and did not allow [him] to complete the discourse which became entangled. But Odainathos was rather lacking in understanding of the truth. So that man did not think it right[2] for the philosopher to be questioned, nor to give any answer on the spur of the moment; for [he said] it was especially difficult and nearly impossible, being humans, to say or think anything about gods.
Greek Original:*)odai/naqos, a)po\ *suri/as. ou(=tos tw=| filoso/fw| *plouta/rxw| sunw\n a)poriw=n e)nepi/pla ta\s tou= didaska/lou diatriba\s kai\ ou)k ei)/a to\n lo/gon a)nu/tein sumpodizo/menon. a)lla\ pro\s su/nesin tou= a)lhqou=s e)ndee/steros h)=n o( *)odai/naqos. ou)/koun oi)/esqai dei=n e)kei=nos h)ci/ou to\n filo/sofon e)rwta=sqai, ou)de\ a)pokri/nesqai e)k tou= paratuxo/ntos o(tiou=n: ma/lista de\ xalepo\n kai\ e)ggu/s ti a)du/naton ei)=nai peri\ qew=n ti le/gein h)\ fronei=n, a)nqrw/pous o)/ntas.
Life of Isidore fr. 142 Zintzen (38 Asmus).
pi 1794.
[2] There seem to be too many verbs here. As Adler notes, Aemilius Portus (edition 1630) deleted
oi)/esqai dei=n, but Bernhardy disagreed. Küster moved
dei=n after "the philosopher".
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 October 2009@01:06:37.
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