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Search results for omicron,304 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,304
Translated headword: flourishing water
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning water that is] nourishing, and plentiful.[1]
They also say o)mpnihro\n u(/dwr, [also meaning water that is] nourishing.[2]
Greek Original:*)/ompnion u(/dwr: to\ tro/fimon, kai\ polu/. le/getai kai\ *)ompnihro\n u(/dwr, to\ tro/fimon.
See also
omicron 303,
omicron 305,
omicron 306,
omicron 307.
Hecale fr. 357, from Aelius
Dionysius *)attika\ o)no/mata omicron17.
[2] i.e. similar phrase but with a different adjective. Attested only here in this precise form, with an iota, but cf.
Hesychius omicron833,
Photius omicron412 Theodoridis, and the
scholia on Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica 4.989.
Keywords: definition; food; imagery; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 December 2009@00:46:57.
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