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Search results for omicron,292 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,292
Translated headword: close, close at hand
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] near.
Aristophanes [writes]: "so before she is close at hand, be silent so that we may hear her."[1] And
Menander [writes]: "but the matter is close at hand."[2]
But in
Sophocles [sc. it is used] to mean
su/n: "with the gods even a man who is with [
o(mou=] no power might succeed. But I, even divided from those [gods], believe that I will win this glory."[3]
Demosthenes [uses]
o(mou= to mean
e)ggu\s in his [speech]
Against Aristogeiton: "all the Athenians are nearly [
o(mou=] twenty thousand [in number]."[4] For there he wishes to show that [the citizens] were nearly twenty thousand, since then they were clearly not [exactly] twenty thousand [in number]. And
Isaeus assigned
o(mou= to time in his
Reply to Dorotheus: "he had nearly [
o(mou=] come into [a situation] of such wretchedness and daring."[5] Also in the
Reply to Kallikrates: "but since he does not order nearly [
o(mou=] all these things."[6] But
Lysias assigned this [word] to location in his
Letter to Metaneira: "since many women and men were lying nearby [
Homer also [assigned it] to location, for Patroklos says: "do not lay my bones apart from yours, Achilles, but [lay them] nearby [
o(mou=], just as I was reared in our halls."[8]
Aelian [writes]: "but Syphax, being near [
o(mou=] to death, recited iambs from tragedy, as [if] fearing the Macedonian: 'Look, setting up this law for mortals, do not establish your own misery and remorse.'[9] His thread had not yet broken."[10]
And elsewhere: "not being strong enough to give birth she was close [
o(mou=] to breaking."[11]
This [usage] is common amongst Attic writers -- witness e.g.
Menander: "for she was already close [
o(mou=] to giving birth."[12]
Greek Original:*(omou=: e)ggu/s. *)aristofa/nhs: pri\n ou)=n o(mou= gene/sqai, siga=q', i(/n' au)th=s puqw/meqa. kai\ *me/nandros: e)/sti de\ o(mou= to\ xrh=ma. para\ de\ *sofoklei= a)nti\ th=s su/n: qeoi=s me\n ka)\n o( mhde\n w)\n o(mou= kra/tos katakth/sait': e)gw\ de\ kai\ di/xa kei/nwn pe/poiqa tou=t' e)pispa/sein kle/os. kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs tw=| o(mou= a)nti\ tou= e)ggu\s ke/xrhtai e)n tw=| kata\ *)aristogei/tonos: ei)si\n o(mou= dismu/riai xilia/des *)aqhnai/wn. e)/nqa ga\r bou/letai dhlou=n o(/ti e)ggu\s tw=n dismuri/wn ei)sin, e)pei\ o(/ti ge ou)k h)=san dismu/rioi fanero/n. *)isai=os de\ to\ o(mou= e)pi\ xro/nou e)/tacen e)n tw=| pro\s *dwro/qeon: [e)s] tosou=ton ponhri/as o(mou= kai\ to/lmhs e)lh/luqe. kai\ e)n tw=| pro\s *kallikra/thn: ou) mh\n a)lla\ tou/tou pa/nta o(mou= tau=ta e)pita/cantos. *lusi/as de\ e)pi\ to/pou tou=to e)/tacen e)n th=| pro\s *meta/neiran e)pistolh=|: gunaikw=n de\ pollw=n kai\ a)ndrw=n o(mou= katakeime/nwn. kai\ *(/omhros e)pi\ to/pou: *pa/troklos ga\r le/gei: mh\ e)ma\ sw=n a)pa/neuqe tiqe/menai o)ste/', *)axilleu=, a)ll' o(mou=, w(s e)tra/fhn e)n h(mete/roisi do/moisi. kai\ *ai)liano/s: o( de\ *su/fac o(mou= ti tw=| qana/tw| w)\n a)nefqe/gcato ta\ e)k th=s tragw|di/as i)ambei=a, w(s deditto/menos to\n *makedo/na: o(/ra, tiqei=sa to/nde to\n no/mon brotoi=s, mh\ ph=ma sauth=| kai\ meta/noian tiqh=|s. ou) mh\n e)/spase/ ti h( mh/rinqos au)tw=|. kai\ au)=qis: mh\ i)sxu/ousa tekei=n o(mou= ti tw=| r(agh=nai h)=n. e)/sti de\ tou=to polu\ para\ *)attikoi=s. w(s kai\ *me/nandros: h)/dh ga\r tou= ti/ktein o(mou=.
For this headword see already
omicron 291. The present entry takes the equivalent one in Harpokration (cited for
Demosthenes and
Menander: see nn. 4 and 12 below) but enlarges it with other material.
Thesmophoriazusae 572-3 (web address 1).
Menander fr. 906 Kock, 769 Koerte, now 648 Kassel-Austin.
Ajax 767-9 (web address 2), with scholion.
[4] [
Demosthenes] 25.51 (web address 3), cited from Harpok.
Isaeus fr. 34 Sauppe.
Isaeus fr. 75 Sauppe.
Lysias fr. 256 Sauppe (now 454 Carey OCT).
Iliad 23.83 (web address 4).
Electra 580-581 (web address 5).
Aelian fr. 67a Domingo-Forasté (64 Hercher); cf.
mu 978. The identity of the Macedonian to whom
Aelian refers is unclear. He either incorrectly attributes
Sophocles' quotation to
Euripides or
Agathon, both of whom spent time in the Macedonian court, or refers to a theatrical performance of Alexander the Great, Philip of Macedon or another, unknown, Macedonian.
Aelian fr. 299 Domingo-Forasté (302 Hercher).
Menander fr. 851 Kock (640 K.-A.), cited from Harpok.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; poetry; rhetoric; tragedy; women
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 17 December 2009@10:58:41.
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