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Search results for omicron,288 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(omo/stolos
Adler number: omicron,288
Translated headword: accompanying
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning someone] on the same road.[1]
And elsewhere: "the immaculate body which accompanies a soul."[2]
Greek Original:
*(omo/stolos: th=s au)th=s o(dou=. kai\ au)=qis: to\ o(mo/stolon yuxh=s a)/spilon sw=ma.
Poetic word (tragedy and Apollonius of Rhodes).
[1] cf. Hesychius omicron808 (nominative plural).
[2] Damascius fr.108 Zintzen, 153B Athanassiadi (indicating doubtful authorship).
Keywords: definition; philosophy; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 February 2003@00:19:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords; cosmetics) on 6 February 2003@02:56:41.
Catharine Roth (augmented note) on 7 February 2003@00:53:26.
David Whitehead (another note; tweaking) on 26 June 2013@09:40:57.


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