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Search results for omicron,283 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(omo/se
Adler number: omicron,283
Translated headword: together with, against
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to the same place, into the same position,[1] or, contrariwise, vehemently, audaciously.[2]
Aelian [writes]: "the Akarnanian historians belong together with the poets."[3] And elsewhere: "not coming together with the divinity which had effected these things, he had not yet collected the bones."[4]
And elsewhere: "it is necessary to go into close combat with the enemy."[5]
Greek Original:
*(omo/se: o(mou=, ei)s to\n au)to\n to/pon, h)\ e)c e)nanti/as, sfodrw=s, qrase/ws. *ai)liano/s: oi( *)akarna=nes suggrafei=s o(mo/se e)/xousi toi=s poihtai=s. kai\ au)=qis: ou) mh\n sunh/qroisen e)/ti ta\ o)sta=, o(mo/se tw=| dai/moni tw=| tau=ta pra/canti mh\ xwrw=n. kai\ au)=qis: o(mo/se i)te/on toi=s polemi/ois.
The headword is an adverb extracted from (or at least illustrated by) the following quotations. See generally LSJ s.v., and omicron 284.
[1] The gloss to this point is the same as a scholion (= D scholia) to Homer, Iliad 13.336 (web address 1); cf. the similar scholion (= D scholia) to Homer, Iliad 12.24 (web address 2).
[2] The headword is identically glossed in Photius' Lexicon (omicron308 Theodoridis) and Lexica Segueriana 317.32; cf. Timaeus, Platonic Lexicon s.v. o(mo/se; ps.-Herodian 99.17; and the scholia to Plato, Euthyphro 3C (web address 3: Euthyphro uses the headword in remarking that they must come to close quarters with Socrates' accusers). Adler also cites Lexicon Ambrosianum 294, replicated in the Etymologicum Genuinum.
[3] Aelian fr. 166 Hercher (169 Domingo-Forasté). [In her critical apparatus Adler notes that Kuster suggested xwrou=si: the Akarnanian historians move together with the poets.] Akarnania (Acarnania, Barrington Atlas map 54 grids C4-D4) is a region in northwest Greece; cf. alpha 805 and OCD(4) s.v. Acarnania.
[4] Aelian fr. 300 Hercher (297 Domingo-Forasté); cf. under epsilon 3944.
[5] Xenophon, Cyropaedia 2.1.21 (web address 4); cf. gamma 205 for neighboring text (de Boor, p. 116 n. 1). [Suda ms F omitted this quotation (so Adler).]
D. Domingo-Forasté, ed., Clavdii Aeliani: Epistvlae et Fragmenta, Stuttgart and Leipzig: Teubner, 1994
C. de Boor, 'Suidas und die Konstantinsche Exzerptsammlung II,' Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. 23, 1914-1919, pp. 1-127
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; historiography; imagery; law; military affairs; philosophy; poetry; religion
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 13 February 2010@19:37:46.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 February 2010@04:11:26.
Catharine Roth (upgraded reference and links) on 21 June 2011@22:06:48.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 9 October 2011@08:04:40.
David Whitehead on 25 June 2013@09:12:59.
Catharine Roth (updated reference in note 3) on 3 July 2013@00:59:49.
David Whitehead on 6 August 2014@03:07:33.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 23 December 2014@00:02:20.


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