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Search results for omicron,283 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,283
Translated headword: together with, against
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to the same place, into the same position,[1] or, contrariwise, vehemently, audaciously.[2]
Aelian [writes]: "the Akarnanian historians belong together with the poets."[3] And elsewhere: "not coming together with the divinity which had effected these things, he had not yet collected the bones."[4]
And elsewhere: "it is necessary to go into close combat with the enemy."[5]
Greek Original:*(omo/se: o(mou=, ei)s to\n au)to\n to/pon, h)\ e)c e)nanti/as, sfodrw=s, qrase/ws. *ai)liano/s: oi( *)akarna=nes suggrafei=s o(mo/se e)/xousi toi=s poihtai=s. kai\ au)=qis: ou) mh\n sunh/qroisen e)/ti ta\ o)sta=, o(mo/se tw=| dai/moni tw=| tau=ta pra/canti mh\ xwrw=n. kai\ au)=qis: o(mo/se i)te/on toi=s polemi/ois.
The headword is an adverb extracted from (or at least illustrated by) the following quotations. See generally LSJ s.v., and
omicron 284.
[1] The gloss to this point is the same as a scholion (= D
scholia) to
Iliad 13.336 (web address 1); cf. the similar scholion (= D
scholia) to
Iliad 12.24 (web address 2).
[2] The headword is identically glossed in
Lexicon (omicron308 Theodoridis) and
Lexica Segueriana 317.32; cf.
Platonic Lexicon s.v.
o(mo/se; ps.-Herodian 99.17; and the
scholia to
Euthyphro 3C (web address 3: Euthyphro uses the headword in remarking that they must come to close quarters with Socrates' accusers). Adler also cites
Lexicon Ambrosianum 294, replicated in the
Etymologicum Genuinum.
Aelian fr. 166 Hercher (169 Domingo-Forasté). [In her critical apparatus Adler notes that Kuster suggested
the Akarnanian historians move
together with the poets.]
Akarnania (Acarnania, Barrington Atlas map 54 grids C4-D4) is a region in northwest Greece; cf.
alpha 805 and OCD(4) s.v. Acarnania.
Aelian fr. 300 Hercher (297 Domingo-Forasté); cf. under
epsilon 3944.
Cyropaedia 2.1.21 (web address 4); cf.
gamma 205 for neighboring text (de Boor, p. 116 n. 1). [Suda ms F omitted this quotation (so Adler).]
D. Domingo-Forasté, ed., Clavdii Aeliani: Epistvlae et Fragmenta, Stuttgart and Leipzig: Teubner, 1994
C. de Boor, 'Suidas und die Konstantinsche Exzerptsammlung II,' Byzantinische Zeitschrift, vol. 23, 1914-1919, pp. 1-127
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; historiography; imagery; law; military affairs; philosophy; poetry; religion
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 13 February 2010@19:37:46.
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