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Adler number: omicron,274
Translated headword: I agree with
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning I concur with.
Aristophanes in
Plutus [writes]: "for when Cario said of Zeus, that 'he was honored only by decent people', [Plutus responded] 'I agree with you'."[1]
Aelian [writes]: “he confesses to his household servants what he heard, and they were filled at once with an excessive joy”.[2]
Greek Original:*(omologw=: a)nti\ tou= sunainw=. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|. peri\ tou= *dio\s ga\r ei)po/ntos *kari/wnos, o(/ti dia\ tou\s xrhstou/s ge tima=tai mo/nous, e)/fh: o(mologw= soi. kai\ *ai)liano/s: o( de\ o(/sa h)/kouse toi=s oi)kei/ois o(mologei=, kai\ e)kei=noi perixarei/as au)ti/ka u(peplh/sqhsan.
Plutus [
Wealth] 93-94 (with scholion), where the complete passage reads: [Chremylus:] Certainly he (i.e. Zeus) is honored only by the decent and the just. [Plutus:] I agree with you.
[2] From
Aelian fr. 89 Hercher, 92h Domingo-Forasté (on Euphronios:
alpha 1851, etc.); it continues at
epsilon 715.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 5 January 2007@20:31:29.
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