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Search results for omicron,272 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,272
Translated headword: agreement
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristotle said in the
Topics the very thing he said more generally in the
Analytics[1] [on the subject of] 'from an assumption' but he said this in the
Topics more specifically [on] 'from agreement'.[2] For since it is not sufficient to demonstrate on the basis of some single instance anything in the category of the general for the establishment of the general and the universal [for that which is partial is not indicative of the universal], he says that a preliminary admission must be made and agreed upon that as it is in the case of a single instance, so also it is in the case of the others; as it is in the case of a single perception, so it is in the case of all of them. By showing in the case of one sensation, that of touch, that it produces apprehension by the experience, we also would reach the result that the same argument obtains for similar sensations. And in the case of opposite predications,[3] when it has been demonstrated concerning something related that the same knowledge is derived or that the opposite is derived from the opposite, it would be predicated that also this would be the case of other opposites.
Greek Original:*(omologi/a: o(/ti *)aristote/lhs e)n toi=s *to/pois, o(/per e)n toi=s *)analutikoi=s e)c u(poqe/sews koino/teron ei)=pe, tou=to e)n toi=s *to/pois prosexe/steron e)c o(mologi/as ei)=pen. e)pei\ ga\r mh\ au)/tarkes to\ e)f' e(no/s tinos deiknu/nai tw=n u(po/ ti koinw=n pro\s th\n tou= koinou= te kai\ kaqo/lou kataskeuh/n [ou) ga/r e)sti to\ e)n me/rei tou= kaqo/lou deiktiko/n], dei=n fhsi prodiomologei=sqai kai\ sunti/qesqai, o(/ti w(s e)f' e(no/s, ou(/tw kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)/llwn: w(s e)pi\ mia=s ai)sqh/sews ou(/tw kai\ e)pi\ pasw=n. dei/cantes e)pi\ mia=s, oi(=on th=s a(fh=s, o(/ti dia\ pa/qous th\n a)nti/lhyin poiei=tai, e)/xoimen a)\n o(/ti kai\ ta\s o(moi/as o( au)to\s lo/gos. kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)ntikeime/nwn, deixqe/ntos e)pi\ tw=n pro/s ti, o(/ti h( au)th\ e)pisth/mh, h)\ o(/ti to\ e)nanti/on e)k tou= e)nanti/ou gi/netai, ei)/h a)\n kei/menon kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)/llwn a)ntikeime/nwn ou(/tws e)/xein.
For this headword see also
omicron 273, and cf.
omicron 274 for the related verb.
[1] Some twenty times in the
Analytica Priora, but perhaps the most relevant is 5a25.
[2] The Suda actually draws on Alexander of
Commentary (150.24-151.8) on
Topica 110a33.
[3] Compare
Metaphysics 1055a38.
Keywords: philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 18 May 2002@13:32:23.
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