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Search results for omicron,254 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,254
Translated headword: Homer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: surnamed Sellius. Grammarian. He wrote the following [sc. poems]: hymns; paignia in epic verse; very many genres.[1] In prose:
On Comic Masks;
Summaries of Menander's plays.
Greek Original:*(/omhros, *se/llios xrhmati/sas, grammatiko/s. e)poi/hse ta/de: u(/mnous, pai/gnia di' e)pw=n, ei)/dh plei=sta: kataloga/dhn *peri\ tw=n kwmikw=n prosw/pwn, *perioxa\s tw=n *mena/ndrou drama/twn.
RE Homeros(4) = Sellios. Identical with [
sigma 213] Sellius.
[1] Or perhaps 'poems' (
eidos is used thus of individual odes in the
Pindar scholia).
Keywords: biography; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; poetry; rhetoric; stagecraft
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 4 September 2003@14:29:12.
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