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Search results for omicron,219 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,219
Translated headword: Olympus, Olympos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Maion; a Mysian, a piper and a melic and elegiac poet, he became a pioneer of instrumental music [played] by pipes: a student and the beloved of Marsyas, a Satyr by lineage,[1] [who was himself] a pupil, and son, of Hyagnis.[2] Olympus flourished before the Trojan War, and the mountain in
Mysia is named for him.[3]
Greek Original:*)/olumpos, *mai/onos, *muso/s, au)lhth\s kai\ poihth\s melw=n kai\ e)legei/wn, h(gemw/n te geno/menos th=s kroumatikh=s mousikh=s th=s dia\ tw=n au)lw=n: maqhth\s kai\ e)rw/menos *marsu/ou, to\ ge/nos o)/ntos *satu/rou, a)koustou= de\ kai\ paido\s *(ua/gnidos. ge/gone de\ pro\ tw=n *trwi+kw=n o( *)/olumpos, e)c ou(= to\ o)/ros to\ e)n *musi/a| o)noma/zetai.
See also
omicron 220 (cf.
omicron 221), and generally M.L. West,
Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992) 330-1 (and index s.v.).
The present entry's material has parallels in a scholion on
Knights 9 (cf.
xi 117,
xi 118) and elsewhere.
[1] See West loc.cit., and OCD(4) s.v.
[2] See West loc.cit. (The name appears elsewhere as Agnis or Oiagnis.)
[3] Not, of course, 'the' Mount Olympus, in Balkan Greece, but one of its several homonyms in (present-day) Turkey.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; gender and sexuality; geography; meter and music; mythology; poetry
Translated by: Meredith Grau on 5 November 2002@18:19:02.
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