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Headword: *)/olumpos
Adler number: omicron,218
Translated headword: Olympos, Olympus
Vetting Status: high
"A brother of Generosa; [he] who came from Cilicia to Alexandria for the worship of Sarpedon."[1] "He had a marvelous nature in all respects: his body was large and tall to look at, and his face was handsome and virtuous. At that time he had reached the age of greatest prudence, and was sociable and reasonably pleasant to those who met him. He was exceptionally helpful to those who followed his advice."[2] "No one had so hard and barbarous a soul that he was not persuaded and charmed by the words which flowed from his sacred mouth; for such a kind of persuasion sat on the lips of the man, not a human quality but rather divine."[3] "Thus he became a religious teacher for the Alexandrians, when they were being swept away by the torrent of their society. Whenever he gathered together those around him, he taught them the ancient customs and the happiness which goes with them -- how great and of what kind the happiness is which comes from the gods to those who keep these customs accurately."[4] "Olympus was so full of divinity that he even foretold to his companions, 'Sarapis is leaving his temple'; which is what happened."[5]
Greek Original:
*)/olumpos, a)delfo\s *generw/shs: o(\s h(=ken a)po\ th=s *kiliki/as ei)s *)aleca/ndreian e)pi\ th\n qerapei/an tou= *sarphdo/nos. h)=n de\ e)s pa/nta fu/sin a)cia/gaston kekthme/nos, me/gas me\n to\ sw=ma kai\ eu)mh/khs i)dei=n, kalo\s de\ kai\ a)gaqo\s th\n o)/yin. th=s de\ h(liki/as e)n tw=| fronimwta/tw| to/te gegonw\s eu)o/milo/s te h)=n kai\ h(du\s i(kanw=s toi=s e)ntugxa/nousi kai\ w)fe/limos ei)/per tis e(/teros toi=s peiqome/nois. ou)dei\s de\ h)=n ou(/tws a)tera/mwn kai\ ba/rbaros th\n yuxh/n, o(\s ou)k e)pei/qeto kai\ katekhlei=to toi=s a)po\ tou= i(erou= sto/matos e)kei/nou r(e/ousi lo/gois: toia/de tis e)peka/qhto peiqw\ toi=s xei/lesi tou= a)ndro/s, ou)k a)nqrw/peio/n ti xrh=ma, a)lla\ qeio/teron. tau=ta/ toi toi=s *)alecandreu=si kate/sth i(erodida/skalos, h)/dh katasurome/nois u(po\ tou= xeima/rrou th=s politei/as. o( de\ sunagei/rwn e(ka/stote tou\s paratugxa/nontas e)di/daske ta\ a)rxai=a no/mima kai\ th\n tou/tois e)fepome/nhn eu)daimoni/an, o(/sh te kai\ oi(/a qeo/qen a)ph/nta toi=s a)kribw=s tau=ta diafula/ttousin. ou(/tw de\ h)=n o( *)/olumpos plh/rhs tou= qeou=, w(/ste kai\ proei=pe toi=s e(tai/rois, o(/ti *sa/rapis a)fi/hsi to\n new/n: o(\ kai\ ge/gonen.
[1] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 91 Zintzen, 42A Athanassiadi. Valesius, Küster, and Asmus emend the final name, surely correctly, to *sara/pidos ('the worship of Sarapis').
[2] Ibid. fr. 42C Athanassiadi.
[3] Ibid. fr. 42B Athanassiadi; cf. alpha 4343.
[4] Ibid. fr. 42F Athanassiadi; these last pagans are resisting the domination of Christianity.
[5] Ibid. fr. 42H Athanassiadi; reference to the destruction of the Serapeion.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 March 2004@01:45:33.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; typo and other cosmetics) on 7 March 2004@04:26:11.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 31 October 2005@10:28:51.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 25 June 2013@03:45:05.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 8 January 2021@00:52:19.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 30 January 2022@00:36:42.


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